From Berkeley to Alaska

The dream comes true

04 septiembre 2010

Fall in Denali. Is this our Earth?

And here is the bear.....................

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, Aitor, I really don't understand anything about this post, but I have one thing to say: now, you can read Lo Que Coma Don Manuel in english!!!!!
    Is there any interesant restaurant/pub/bar/etc in USA? So, write about it in LQCDM!!!! You are our journalist based in America, my friend.
    See you soon.

  2. WOW!!! That bear really had long, shaggy hair!! and he looked pretty's Javi?? jejejej.....your photos are AWESOME....really amazing. What a special thing to do, taking the flight over the glaciers....and wow the pilot was REALLY cute!! You have a whole week there...I can't wait to see more photos and read about the adventures!! Maybe you might even see Sarah Palin..if you do, please let the "bear" eat her!! miss you a lot my friend! oxox
