From Berkeley to Alaska

The dream comes true

17 septiembre 2010

Breakfast in Bilbao (Supertramp not dead)

 I have just arrived from Barakaldo, a city close to Bilbao. Now is 2.10 am in the Basque Country. And again it´s really funny because i have just arrived from San Francisco (California) and here i´m having breakfast with Supertramp. Do you remember that group?
Well. we have grown up with them and they are remembering right now the release of one of their best albums: Breakfast in America.
They are touring now and the concert in Barakaldo is been really good. The virtuosity (Amaia, the Almirant and i were thinking about that double Lp in Paris) on the stage has been incredible. Every song they played is been responded with applauses, cheers, shouts, dancings, claps and whatever you can imagine. Outstanding. People is been perfect today. And it´s funny too because Chris McCandless called himself Alexander Supertramp in his adventure in Alaska. What a coincidence, guys¡¡¡¡¡¡

OF COURSE i know Roger Hogdson is not playing in Supertramp since ?????? two decades of even more (i don´t know exactly), but it doesn´t matter. The music is there, my friend. And the tunes they have played tonight are fantastic, terrific, awesome.

And here is Roger (in 1989, along) with a scream againts the american society in USA

"What would you say if they are calling you a radical, a liberal, fanatical a criminal??????"

They have been puting all that typical images about LA(you know girls, Hollywood, the star system.......) And it´s been funny. Yesterday i was in San Francisco and today having breakfast with Supertramp.
That is life, my friends, that is LIFE.

See you soon. My jet lag is not really bad so i´m goin´to sleep now. Before the concert, we´ve been in Panera having drinks with my people. Nice to meet everybody again here. That is my tribe and i enjoy with them a lot. I´m really lucky having all that incredible people with me (and me with them. of course). I´m really lucky, i can assure it.