We went again to Mission, the mexican-alternative place in the city. We love that place. Not only because of the graffitis -Josu, i think you have to go there. For you is gonna be heaven, my friend-, but for its people, restaurants, music shops (ohhhhhhh my goodness, we are really and completly broke by now) and anything you can imagine.
So far, so good.
Javi and me were thinking (dreamin better to say´) about taking a job in The San Francisco Chronicle and sharing a house in Mission (in Valencia street, for example, a lovely place to live in)
In fact, we left our CV in the newspaper yesterday. Just in case, you know?
The Staff in the Chronicle said that they are thinking about us (just kidding) |
In any case, Mission and the surrondings are really impressive. Josu, i think is a good place for you. I wil talk with your mother (Karmele, think too about this idea and don´t get fool)
I was trying yesterday to contact with Steve, my teacher in LSI, Do you remember that guy? I guess you do.
But it was impossible. The cell phone number i wrote before leaving LSI was wrong and i sent him two emails but probably he didn´t check his email. So we decided to go to Mission and later on to have some txikitos (wine) with Yoko, our best photographer and a good new friend from...... Japan of course.
A friend of Yoko recommended her a japanese restaurant called Sakana (It´s funny because Sakana is a part of the Basque Country, in fact it´s in Navarra), and we had a relly good time there, after some txikitos in a nice bar close to Chinatown.
Yoko choose almost all the dishes and the dinner was great. I MEAN GREAT GREAT GREAT
Yoko and John (sorry, Aitor jajajajajaja) And all the food too. |
Poor animal. What have you done, Molly. What a killer jajajajajaja. |