From Berkeley to Alaska

The dream comes true

25 julio 2010

London calling to the underground¡¡¡¡

It sounds great too, Karmele and Cia, Even Harrods (jjajajajajaj, we went there too, i assure you) Did you find there mantras, as George Harrison used to talk about in a funny way? Well, London is really interesting, i guess. I think they celebrate now the famous Portobello´s carnaval,didn´t they? I´m not sure of the dates, but it used to be in Summer time.

Josu, did you see a lot of grafittis there? There are loads of them all over London (at least, that is what i remember in Candem and areas like that). Today i´m wearing a T-Shirt really london-trendy-cool-cute: The Who, but i decided to post here a song from The Clash, Do you remember London Calling? If not, here it´s for you two, baby. Ladies and genttlemen, the incredible Joe Strummer and his band The Clash.

Yesterday in the end, the fog entered in San Francisco, but it was good too. Not a windy day, so i managed with the fog and the cold weather. I went hiking all around the shore from Point Lobos to China Beach, near the Golden Great Bridge. In the end, the girls from Saudi Arabia didn´t come, so i went alone. Shadia´s cell phone didn´t work yesterday, but today we are goin´ to have lunch to a Japanese restaurant in Downtown Berkeley. So it could be nice. I´ll tell you. Here they are yesterday´s shots:

There are beaches, yeah. And three or four people doing surf even. But as i told you, the water is freezing here.

Jesus is lookin´ for you. Repent now¡ Forget your sins and start a new life. The guy in the photo used to be a sinner, now is Jesus best friend and he is a raper. Incredible? No, real. This is America (USA) guys and Jesus is everywhere.

And don´t believe the hype, please. Who is that girl, Is Madonna coming to town?

No, our lehendakari is comin´ tomorrow to San Francisco and Berkeley. But that will be tomorrow. There is always a story here. And i´ll tell you if i can.