From Berkeley to Alaska

The dream comes true

13 junio 2010

Welcome to the pleasuredome

That´s the way God planned it¡ It´s a song, cos you know i´m a non believer. This is our door and it´s really open for you. So, lets go and have fun, baby.

4 comentarios:

  1. Un saludo de bienvenida al mundo de los blogeros,donde todo es posible y la comunicación es nuestro leif motiv(esto último no se si lo he escrito bien ).

  2. Thanks for everything, mr J.C.C. (the captain of Zurbaran People, ja ja ja), and the man on the Net for loads of people. Yeah!!!! you are right communication is what we need. Keep on rockin´in the free world, man.

  3. Ohhhhh, that is such a great song to start this new adventure! Enjoy the blogosfera!

  4. karmele pérez de la peña21 de junio de 2010, 12:08

    hey I've got it, I'm finally into this stuff. I wish you the best darling while I keep getting green with envyyyyy.
